

SwanGraph(sc=False, edge_adata=True, end_adata=True, ic_adata=True) : A graph class to represent a transcriptome and perform plotting and analysis from it

datasets (list of str):
        Names of datasets in the Graph
gene_datasets (list of str):
        Names of datasets w/ gene expression in the Graph
annotation (bool):
        Whether an annotation transcriptome has been added.
abundance (bool):
        Whether abundance data has been added to the SwanGraph
gene_abundance (bool):
        Whether gene abundance data has been added to the SwanGraph
loc_df (pandas DataFrame):
        DataFrame of all unique observed genomic
        coordinates in the transcriptome
edge_df (pandas DataFrame):
        DataFrame of all unique observed exonic or intronic
        combinations of splice sites in the transcriptome
t_df (pandas DataFrame):
        DataFrame of all unique transcripts found
        in the transcriptome
adata (anndata AnnData):
        Annotated data object to hold transcript expression values
        and metadata
gene_adata (anndata AnnData):
        Annotated data object to hold gene expression values / metadata
ic_adata (anndata AnnData):
        Annotated data object to hold intron chain expression values / metadata
tss_adata (anndata AnnData):
        Annotated data object to hold TSS expression values and metadata
tes_adata (anndata AnnData):
        Annotated data object to hold TES expression values and metadata

        sc (bool): Whether this is coming from single cell data
        edge_adata (bool): Whether to create the edge_adata table
        end_adata (bool): Whether to create the tss/tes_adata tables
        ic_adata (bool): Whether to create the ic_adata table


add_abundance(self, counts_file, how='iso') : Adds abundance from a counts matrix to the SwanGraph. Transcripts in the SwanGraph but not in the counts matrix will be assigned 0 counts. Transcripts in the abundance matrix but not in the SwanGraph will not have expression added.

          counts_file (str): Path to TSV expression file where first column is
                  the transcript ID and following columns name the added datasets and
                  their counts in each dataset, OR to a TALON abundance matrix.
          how (str): {'iso', 'gene'}

add_adata(self, adata_file, how='iso') : Adds abundance / metadata information from an AnnData object into the SwanGraph. Transcripts in the SwanGraph but not in the AnnData will be assigned 0 counts. Transcripts in the abundance matrix but not in the SwanGraph will not have expression added.

          adata_file (str): Path to AnnData file where var index is the
                  transcript ID, obs index is the dataset name, and X is the
                  raw counts (ie not already log transformed).
          how (str): {'iso', 'gene'} (Gene-level currently not implemented)

add_annotation(self, fname, verbose=False) : Adds an annotation from input fname to the SwanGraph.

          fname (str): Path to annotation GTF
          verbose (bool): Display progress
                  Default: False

add_metadata(self, fname, overwrite=False) : Adds metadata to the SwanGraph from a tsv.

          fname (str): Path / filename of tab-separated input file to add as
                  metadata for the datasets in the SwanGraph. Must contain column
                  'dataset' which contains dataset names that match those already
                  in the SwanGraph.
          overwrite (bool): Whether or not to overwrite duplicated columns
                  already present in the SwanGraph.
                  Default: False

add_multi_groupby(self, groupby) : Adds a groupby column that is comprised of multiple other columns. For instance, if 'sex' and 'age' are already in the obs table, add an additional column that's comprised of sex and age.

          groupby (list of str): List of column names to turn into a multi
                  groupby column

add_transcriptome(self, fname, pass_list=None, include_isms=False, verbose=False) : Adds a whole transcriptome from a set of samples.

          fname (str): Path to GTF or TALON db
          pass_list (str): Path to pass list file (if passing a TALON DB)
          include_isms (bool): Include ISMs from input dataset
                  Default: False
          verbose (bool): Display progress
                  Default: False

die_gene_test(self, kind='iso', obs_col='dataset', obs_conditions=None, rc_thresh=10, verbose=False) : Finds genes with differential isoform expression between two conditions that are in the obs table. If there are more than 2 unique values in obs_col, the specific categories must be specified in obs_conditions

          kind (str): What level you would like to run the test on.
                  {'iso', 'tss', 'tes', 'ic'}.
                  Default: 'iso'
          obs_col (str): Column name from self.adata.obs table to group on.
                  Default: 'dataset'
          obs_conditions (list of str, len 2): Which conditions from obs_col
                  to compare? Required if obs_col has more than 2 unqiue values.
          rc_thresh (int): Number of reads required for each conditions
                  in order to test the gene.
                  Default: 10
          verbose (bool): Display progress

          test (pandas DataFrame): A summary table of the differential
                  isoform expression test, including p-values and adjusted
                  p-values, as well as change in percent isoform usage (dpi) for
                  all tested genes.
          test_results (pandas DataFrame): A table indicating the test outcome
                  for each gene regardless of whether it was actually tested.

find_es_genes(self, verbose=False) : Finds all unique genes containing novel exon skipping events. Requires that an annotation has been added to the SwanGraph.

          verbose (bool): Display output

          es_df (pandas DataFrame): DataFrame detailing discovered novel
                  exon-skipping edges and the transcripts and genes they
                  come from

find_ir_genes(self, verbose=False) : Finds all unique genes containing novel intron retention events. Requires that an annotation has been added to the SwanGraph.

          verbose (bool): Display output

          ir_df (pandas DataFrame): DataFrame detailing discovered novel
                  intron retention edges and the transcripts and genes they
                  come from

gen_report(self, gid, prefix, datasets=None, groupby=None, metadata_cols=None, novelty=False, layer='tpm', cmap='Spectral_r', include_unexpressed=False, indicate_novel=False, display_numbers=False, transcript_col='tid', browser=False, order='expression') : Generates a PDF report for a given gene or list of genes according to the user's input.

          gid (str): Gene id or name to generate
                  reports for
          prefix (str): Path and/or filename prefix to save PDF and
                  images used to generate the PDF
          datasets (dict of lists): Dictionary of {'metadata_col':
                  ['metadata_category_1', 'metadata_category_2'...]} to represent
                  datasets and their order to include in the report.
                  Default: Include columns for all datasets / groupby category
          groupby (str): Column in self.adata.obs to group expression
                  values by
                  Default: None
          metadata_cols (list of str): Columns from metadata tables to include
                  as colored bars. Requires that colors have been set using
          novelty (bool): Include a column to dipslay novelty type of
                  each transcript. Requires that a TALON GTF or DB has
                  been used to load data in
                  Default: False
          layer (str): Layer to plot expression from. Choose 'tpm' or 'pi'
          cmap (str): Matplotlib color map to display heatmap values
                  Default: 'Spectral_r'
          indicate_novel (bool): Emphasize novel nodes and edges by
                  outlining them and dashing them respectively
                  Incompatible with indicate_dataset
                  Default: False
          transcript_col (str): Name of column in sg.t_df to use as
                  the transcript's display name
                  Default: tid
          browser (bool): Plot transcript models in genome browser-
                  style format. Incompatible with indicate_dataset and
          display_numbers (bool): Display TPM or pi values atop each cell
                  Default: False
          order (str): Order to display transcripts in the report.
                  Options are
                          'tid': alphabetically by transcript ID
                          'expression': cumulative expression from high to low
                                  Requires that abundance information has been
                                  added to the SwanGraph
                          'tss': genomic coordinate of transcription start site
                          'tes': genomic coordinate of transcription end site
                  Default: 'expression' if abundance information is present,
                                   'tid' if not

get_die_genes(self, kind='iso', obs_col='dataset', obs_conditions=None, p=0.05, dpi=10) : Filters differential isoform expression test results based on adj. p-value and change in percent isoform usage (dpi).

         kind (str): {'iso', 'tss', 'tes', 'ic'}
                 Default: 'iso'
         obs_col (str): Column name from self.adata.obs table to group on.
                 Default: 'dataset'
         obs_conditions (list of str, len 2): Which conditions from obs_col
                 to compare? Required if obs_col has more than 2 unique values.
         p (float): Adj. p-value threshold to declare a gene as isoform
                 switching / having DIE.
                 Default: 0.05
         dpi (float): DPI (in percent) value to threshold genes with DIE
                 Default: 10

         test (pandas DataFrame): Summary table of genes that pass
                 the significance threshold

get_edge_abundance(self, prefix=None, kind='counts') : Gets edge expression from the current SwanGraph in a DataFrame complete information about where edge is.

         prefix (str): Path and filename prefix. Resulting file will
                 be saved as prefix_edge_abundance.tsv
                 Default: None (will not save)
         kind (str): Choose "tpm" or "counts"

         df (pandas DataFrame): Abundance and metadata information about
                 each edge.

get_tes_abundance(self, prefix=None, kind='counts') : Gets TES expression from the current SwanGraph in a DataFrame complete information about where TES is.

         prefix (str): Path and filename prefix. Resulting file will
                 be saved as prefix_tes_abundance.tsv
                 Default: None (will not save)
         kind (str): Choose "tpm" or "counts"

         df (pandas DataFrame): Abundance and metadata information about
                 each TSS.

get_tpm(self, kind='iso') : Retrieve TPM per dataset.

         kind (str): {'iso', 'edge', 'tss', 'tes', 'ic'}
                 Default: 'iso'

         df (pandas DataFrame): Pandas dataframe where rows are the different
                 conditions from `dataset` and the columns are ids in the
                 SwanGraph, and values represent the TPM value per
                 isoform/edge/tss/tes/ic per dataset.                 

get_tss_abundance(self, prefix=None, kind='counts') : Gets TSS expression from the current SwanGraph in a DataFrame with complete information about where TSS is.

         prefix (str): Path and filename prefix. Resulting file will
                 be saved as prefix_tss_abundance.tsv
         kind (str): Choose "tpm" or "counts"

         df (pandas DataFrame): Abundance and metadata information about
                 each TSS.

plot_browser(self, tid, **kwargs) : Plot browser representation for a given transcript

         tid (str): Transcript ID of transcript to plot

         ax (matplotlib axes): Axes with transcript plotted

plot_each_transcript(self, tids, prefix, indicate_dataset=False, indicate_novel=False, browser=False) : Plot each input transcript and automatically save figures

         tids (list of str): List of transcript ids to plot
         prefix (str): Path and file prefix to automatically save
                 the plotted figures
         indicate_dataset (str): Dataset name from SwanGraph to
                 highlight with outlined nodes and dashed edges
                 Incompatible with indicate_novel
                 Default: False (no highlighting)
         indicate_novel (bool): Highlight novel nodes and edges by
                 outlining them and dashing them respectively
                 Incompatible with indicate_dataset
                 Default: False
         browser (bool): Plot transcript models in genome browser-
                 style format. Incompatible with indicate_dataset and

plot_each_transcript_in_gene(self, gid, prefix, indicate_dataset=False, indicate_novel=False, browser=False) : Plot each transcript in a given gene and automatically save figures

         gid (str): Gene id or gene name to plot transcripts from
         prefix (str): Path and file prefix to automatically save
                 the plotted figures
         indicate_dataset (str): Dataset name from SwanGraph to
                 highlight with outlined nodes and dashed edges
                 Incompatible with indicate_novel
                 Default: False (no highlighting)
         indicate_novel (bool): Highlight novel nodes and edges by
                 outlining them and dashing them respectively
                 Incompatible with indicate_dataset
                 Default: False
         browser (bool): Plot transcript models in genome browser-
                 style format. Incompatible with indicate_dataset and

plot_graph(self, gid, indicate_dataset=False, indicate_novel=False, prefix=None) : Plots a gene summary SwanGraph for an input gene. Does not automatically save the figure by default!

         gid (str): Gene ID to plot for (can also be gene name but
                 we've seen non-unique gene names so use at your own risk!)
         indicate_dataset (str): Dataset name from SwanGraph to
                 highlight with outlined nodes and dashed edges
                 Incompatible with indicate_novel
                 Default: False (no highlighting)
         indicate_novel (bool): Highlight novel nodes and edges by
                 outlining them and dashing them respectively
                 Incompatible with indicate_dataset
                 Default: False
         prefix (str): Path and file prefix to automatically save
                 the plotted figure
                 Default: None, won't automatically save
         display (bool): Display the plot during runtime
                 Default: True

plot_transcript_path(self, tid, indicate_dataset=False, indicate_novel=False, browser=False, prefix=None) : Plots a path of a single transcript isoform through a gene summary SwanGraph.

         tid (str): Transcript id of transcript to plot
         indicate_dataset (str): Dataset name from SwanGraph to
                 highlight with outlined nodes and dashed edges
                 Incompatible with indicate_novel
                 Default: False (no highlighting)
         indicate_novel (bool): Highlight novel nodes and edges by
                 outlining them and dashing them respectively
                 Incompatible with indicate_dataset
                 Default: False
         browser (bool): Plot transcript models in genome browser-
                 style format. Incompatible with indicate_dataset and
         prefix (str): Path and file prefix to automatically save
                 the plotted figure
                 Default: None, won't automatically save
         display (bool): Display the plot during runtime
                 Default: True

save_graph(self, prefix) : Saves the current SwanGraph in pickle format with the .p extension

         prefix (str): Path and filename prefix. Resulting file will
                 be saved as prefix.p

set_metadata_colors(self, obs_col, cmap) : Set plotting colors for datasets based on a column in the metadata table.

         obs_col (str): Name of metadata column to set colors for
         cmap (dict): Dictionary of metadata value : color (hex code with #
                 character or named matplotlib color)

set_plotting_colors(self, cmap=None, default=False) : Set plotting colors for SwanGraph and browser models.

         cmap (dict): Dictionary of metadata value : color (hex code with #
                 character or named matplotlib color). Keys should be a subset
                 or all of ['tss', 'tes', 'internal', 'exon', 'intron', 'browser']
                 Default: None
         default (bool): Whether to revert to default colors

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